Sunday, 19 January 2014

Exclusive interview with the talented Marshal AKA The General

Hey guys I know you are all wondering who is Marshal? And how did we do this interview,well to answer your questions I guess we all living in the 21st century lol.I managed to do this interview with Marshal on whatsapp and it went out great (although he was replying my messages late lol )

Marshal is a comedian based in Zimbabwe in Bulawayo.

Miss Classique :Interview time are u ready?

Marshy :Bring it on...

Miss Classique :being a comedian has it always been your dream?

Marshy :Not really ,my dream was to b a world class football player bt I always had the ability to make pple laugh

Miss Classique :Since we went to the same high school I personally think you used to give us jokes lol so if you had to get an opportunity in a big football team will you quit being a comedian?

Marshy :High school ,I was ,"high" in ,"school" lol ,I love football but with comedy I'm cormfy wit myself coz on stage I get to do wat I want ,I'm my own boss. Stand up b4 football now lol.

Miss Classique :in that industry who do you look up to?

Marshy :Comedians like Dave Chapelle & Eddie Griffin are my biggest inspiration.

Miss Classique :Are they white lol(I'm sorry I had to ask that question because u dnt know them lol 

Marshy :No those are n******* lol very black .

Miss Classique :Tell me something people do not know about you ?

Marshy : I'm a very quiet person but people do not believe that 

Miss Classique :I dnt believe it as well haha so what how can people get to hear about your projects or get to know more about you ?

Marshy :Everything I do I put on the net & I'm currently doing an animated series that's on Youtube ,I have a page on FB Marshal Elando Da G & of coz pple like you (Miss Classique ) yeah lol

Miss Classique :Would you love to say anything or promote anything u working on bfore we end this interview.

Marshy :K14's one year I wanna prove my worth ,I'm finishing my film making course nxt year bt I'll continue to be the best I can be when making pple laugh's concerned. Nice talking to you babe.

Miss Classique :aaawww thanks for your time Marshy


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