Thursday 29 November 2012

Planning my Photoshoot

Planning my Photo Shoot and Double Page Spread

What I need to do: Plan Photo Shoot

People: Tatenda Chipamaunga, Olivier Awah

Time and Place: School Photo studio at 3.00pm on weekdays in November 2012

Props: None needed

Costume: high heels, Tshirts, Jeans, Jacket, Vest

Bands I need to research: Lil`Wayne, Nicki Minaj, Missy Elliot

How I will research: Internet, Magazines, Websites.

Sunday 18 November 2012

Results for my music magazine

1)What gender are you?  

Female =3 male =4

2)What age are you?         

below 15=0

3)       How important is music to you?

moderately important =3
 Nice to use=1
 Not very =0

4)     How do you purchase music?

free internet=1
 YouTube convetor=3
 Itunes =5
illegal pirating=1

5)    Tick the Hip Hop Magazines that you have heard of or seen on sale in shops:

The source=2
 HipHop Soul=1

6)Circle the other media platforms music magazines use to promote their publication that you have used before:

Social meadia=1

7)    How often do you listen to hiphop music?


8)   Which of the following R’N’B artists do you prefer? (tick 2)

Chris Brown=0
Jason Derulo=1
Tinie Tempah=2

9)  Who is your favourite female Hip Hop star? (choose 1)

Nicki minaj=5
lill kim=0
Missy Elliot=1

10) Which of these colour trios would be best for a Hip Hop magazine to use on the front cover?
